Understanding building and pest conditions when buying a home

Understanding Building And Pest Conditions When Buying A Home

A Quick Guide For Home Buyers

Building Inspection Report

Buying a new house can be a daunting proposition for many people. There is so much to go through and understand. Perhaps the two biggest things to wrap your head around are the building and pest inspections.

They are two of the most important things for you to understand when buying a property. In this article, we are going to go through the things to look for in your contract when it comes to building and pest inspections.

What are building and pest conditions?

As a condition of the sale of the property, a building and pest clause SHOULD exist. This clause allows you to get reports from local exterminators like pest control Sydney about the property you are buying. Having this report can help identify any issues with the property. They range from things like termites, leaking taps, and even structural damage.

Read between the lines of your contract

Keep in mind that not all problems with the property can give you the right to end your contract. Most of the time it will depend on how the clause is writing and what kinds of problems the property has.

Building inspection conditions

A bad example of a building inspection clause is having the wording “structurally sound”. What this means is that you MUST buy the property unless it has significant structural problems. Most of the properties are structurally sound but have other issues like rotten windows and broken plumbing.

A good way to make sure you are properly covered is to take the contract to a conveyancer or solicitor before you sign it. They will act to make sure it protects all your interests.

If you get the inspection report back and it has signaled some defects then having the accepted as satisfactory section gives you the ability to have control over whether you have to go ahead with the purchasing of the property or not.

Pest inspection conditions

The clause for pest inspections works the same way as the building inspections. This is because, in an ideal world, you do not want to be forced into buying a property that has pest issues. Again you are better off taking the contract to a conveyancer or a solicitor before you sign the contract.

The most important phrase in a clause is “if the report is not to their satisfaction”. This is because this phrase gives you the ability to get out of the contract.

Licensed Building Inspectors


When should you walk away from a house?

There is no set timeframe when you should walk away from a potential house buy. It will depend on how much you want the house. As well as how willing you are to make the necessary repairs to it.

Are Building Inspections worth it?

This is essentially a test drive for real estate. It lets you know if the property is worth the asking price or it is it worth buying at all.


So hopefully this article gives you a better understanding of building and pest inspections when buying a house. As with anything do your research and never jump into a contract without doing your due diligence.

Local Pest Inspection Companies Struggling With Demand

Local Pest Inspection Companies are Struggling to Keep up With Demand

Gold Coast: In the recent months, Gold Coast inspection and control businesses have seen a major market boom with demand reaching a record high. Local businesses have claimed that the phones have been ringing off the hook. Their clients are calling constantly to request appointments all over the area for a number of services.  

 “We have never seen anything like this,” said Scott Dixon owner of local pest control business, Pro Pest Control Gold Coast. “It seems that everyday we are making at least a half-a-dozen new appointments.” 

Covid Impact

 As the coronavirus pandemic rages on and affects economies all over the world, some industries have been suffering more than others. The pest control and inspection industry has actually benefited from the COVID-19 crisis for a number of reasons, including: 

  • As more people stay home more often, they are witnessing the appearance of more pests.
  • Being at home more often allows residents to better keep track of the state of their property.
  • Local real estate markets have seen an uptick in business since the pandemic began, with many people finally deciding to purchase a home after years of putting it off. This has led to more inspections for pests as new homes are being filled with families.

 The Gold Coast is home to many annoying pests that could invade your home, from bed bugs and lice to silverfish, spiders, bees, wasps, fleas and ticks and more. Each of these bugs and pests come with their own specific nuisances that need to quickly be addressed. Simply living with these nagging houseguests just won’t do.

Pest control companies can quickly eliminate any number of pests quickly and efficiently. The success rate of most pest companies is high, with repeated visits to a home rarely ever needed. As winter arrives and more families spend their days indoors. This means more pests will infest homes looking for food and shelter. So Gold Coast exterminators are about to see an even larger boom in popularity and demand.

Local businesses will continue to reopen as the coronavirus pandemic winds down. As they do, there will be an even stronger need for pest control companies in the Gold Coast region. Businesses that have been shuttered for months if not an entire year will need assistance to make sure every location is as clean as can be. In the last few months, termite, rats, spiders, and other pests have made their home all over the Gold Coast area. Business owners are returning to locations that have new, unwelcome guests that need to be done away with in record time or else it will affect business. 

Termites on the Rise

Termites are of serious concern, especially to residents and business owners on the Gold Coast. They can create serious property damage in very little time. Scheduling regular termite inspections is one of the smartest things a business or home owner can do. Without regular inspection, a problem could arise in no time at all and a solution may be out of reach.  

Cockroaches, rates, wasps, snakes, and bed bugs are some of the other larger areas of concern for the Gold Coast. Those creatures are known to populate and reproduce quickly and can almost immediately be a serious problem. During the pandemic, all of these pests have seen their population increase greatly. Moreover the demand to get rid of them has led to a pest control market boom in recent times. It is a surge in popularity that is sure to only grow in the weeks and months ahead.  

With plenty of experience leading up to this increase in demand, pest inspection businesses are meeting the moment head on and are taking calls for as many appointments as they can make. They remain reliable, punctual, and affordable and have been offering quote after quote as the calls continue to pour in. From apartment complexes to businesses to homes, the Gold Coast has been keeping the pest control industry busy. The future months for these companies promise to be even more fruitful and exciting.  

Queensland Cockroach Crisis: Pest Controllers Issue Warning as Temperatures Rise

Queensland Cockroach Crisis: Pest Controllers Issue Warning as Temperatures Rise

Queensland Cockroach Crisis

Australia is experiencing some extreme heatwaves, according to sciencealert.com. This reality may not be changing any time soon, and it is a reality that pest control experts fear might bring another unexpected wave: a wave of roaches.

Wave of Cockroaches

Yes, it is true that there may be a wave of roaches approaching. The cockroach population is going to skyrocket by 30 percent according to Jimmy Whelan at Guard Pest Control an Australian pest management company.

The species that homeowners have to worry about are the following:

  • German cockroach
  • American cockroach
  • Australian cockroach

The thing that all these roaches have in common is their resilience. They are able to survive through hunger and extreme temperatures, making them especially equipped to continue living through this heatwave.

Why are Cockroaches Rising in Population?

Both homeowners and business owners have to fear this rise, but some are wondering why it’s even happening in the first place. It would be great to pinpoint one specific reason the roach population is growing so rapidly, but this cannot be done.

Nature is a strange and complex phenomenon. Experts are pointing to some of the following reasons as to why the cockroach population is growing so quickly in Australia:

  • Humid summers create the perfect environment for these creatures to procreate. This summer was especially humid for Australia.
  • Rapid breeding seasons from September to June and January through March.
  • Australia’s rich, natural land provides nourishment to these creatures, which also contributes to their growth.


Of course, these aren’t all the reasons why these insects are growing so quickly, but they are some of them.

Why are Cockroaches Making Their Way Into Homes and Businesses?

This is the million-dollar question. If the roach population was growing in Australia and stayed outside, most people wouldn’t care so much. The only thing that would change is that birds, rodents, and other mammals would have more of them to hunt in the wild, but the reality is they are eyeing homes and places of businesses.

Cockroaches are making their way into homes in alarming and overwhelming ways. Why do you suppose this is happening? The following are some reasons that may answer that question:

  • Australia is dealing with one of the worst fires in a long time. This fire is displacing not only people but also insects, such as roaches making their way into homes for safety.
  • The heatwave that the country is going through also caused a major drought, which is depleting the land of resources. This is another reason roaches are attempting to find resources, homes, and businesses.
  • Many homeowners do not inspect their homes for leaks, holes, cracks, and other entrances that roaches can use to gain access.


These are just some reasons why roaches are making their way into homes through Jimmy Whelan from Guard Pest Control also points out that cockroaches are like any other pest: they need water. This means homeowners and business owners need “moisture meters to assess moisture levels in walls. Pests are attracted to moisture and humidity.”

Cockroaches Control

What can you do to protect yourself from this rise? That is another hard question to answer. Of course, there isn’t much that can be done to fix the heatwave, and hopefully, the fires are controlled soon enough, but homeowners and business owners can still take active steps to keep their properties safe.

For one, a full inspection is vital to effectively seal the property to prevent these insects from gaining access in the first place.

Second of all, it is important that property owners realize that roaches might already have made their way inside. You can never be sure because roaches are excellent at hiding, so you are going to need professional help. Having a full pest inspection and making sure this becomes routine should help squash infestations before they become worse.

Hopefully, this information helps enlighten Australians and helps keep everyone as safe as possible. Cockroaches are not only a nuisance, but they also carry bacteria that can cause sicknesses, not to mention allergic reactions in those who are sensitive or have respiratory issues.

Brisbane City Council Sprays For Mosquitoes

Brisbane City Council Sprays For Mosquitoes – Will It Help Home Owners?

Council Targets Mosquito Hotspots

Brisbane City Council Sprays For Mosquitoes

The Brisbane City Council recently set a plan in motion to manage the alarming mosquito population spike in the city and surrounding areas. Some entomologists are actually describing it as an invasion with millions of mosquitoes settling in the area in such a short period of time. The plan involves spraying insecticides over the pests’ hotspots as well as their breeding sites. The importance of these drastic measures became evident as millions of mosquitoes moved into the city proving to be quite a nuisance to the residents. The health risks involved also played a major role in motivating the city authorities to commence with the eradication steps. The one question on everyone’s mind however is what this means to homeowners in the region and whether or not it will help.

When Did The Mosquito Problem Start?

In order to understand the aim of this project, it is first of all very important to understand what the problem is. Brisbane is in all essence a mosquito hub. With the many water bodies, the warm temperatures and occasional heavy rains, mosquitoes have the perfect environment to survive and reproduce. The saltmarsh mosquito in particular is one of the most significant species and is especially drawn to the saltmarsh regions in Brisbane after which the species is named.

The mosquito problem is usually exacerbated by changes in weather patterns. In this case, rainy seasons and occasional storms like the recent ones caused an increase in mosquito population. These favorable conditions also prompted the migration of new mosquito species into the area.

Will The Spraying Work?

So back to our question; will the spraying work for homeowners in Brisbane? The most likely answer is yes. This is not the first time that the country has waged war on the pesky pests. With their perennial presence, the authorities have had no choice but to carry out these mass eradication projects on a regular basis. Therefore if the results of the previous mass sprayings are anything to go by, then this one should be just as effective and subsequently
beneficial to the area’s residents.

3 Key Benefits That Home Owners Can Expect

1. Reduced mosquito presence

The pests are not referred to as pesky for gags and laughs with their annoying buzzing and constant presence making them a nuisance to the residents. It therefore goes without saying that one of the main improvements to look forward to is their general absence both indoors and outdoors.

2. Reduced risk of mosquito-borne diseases

In addition to being annoying, mosquitoes pose a major threat to human health. Many species found in the Brisbane area are known biological vectors of different diseases. By getting rid of the pest, the city council will be contributing significantly to the prevention and control of the associated

3. It will allow home owners to enjoy professional pest control services

Working with professional exterminators is without a doubt a major benefit to homeowners. They possess specific skills, equipment and of course knowledge that gives them an advantage. Residents can therefore look forward to more effective eradication, that what they would have handling the problem alone. The Council has awarded contracts to several local pest control companies to manage the spraying in mosquito hotspots. Local exterminator, Nicholas Favreau from Pro Pest Control Brisbane said “the spraying will definately help the local residents who live in areas prone to mosquito breeding. The humidity from recent rains has really increased the problem in low lying areas, he added.

4. Reduced cost of personal pest control

Finally, by handling the eradication themselves, the council is saving homeowners in Brisbane a lot of money. Getting rid of mosquitos at a personal level can be taxing on your financially. You have to invest in nets, window screens, insecticides, mosquito repellants and so much more. The residents therefore have a lot to look forward to with the Brisbane City Council doing most of the heavy lifting.

Brisbane City Council Spraying

Is it safe?

Another question popping up in relation to this project is whether or not the mass eradication is safe for the environment.

According to the officials involved in the project, the spraying is completely safe. It is reported that since mass spraying was adopted as an eradication strategy for mosquito control, the council only uses environmentally friendly chemicals. These are meant to target both the mosquitoes as well as larva in water without affecting other organisms in the water.

Key Areas Targeted By The Spraying Project

Some parts in Brisbane have been affected more than others by the mosquito invasion. As a result, a majority of the council’s efforts have been focused on these areas. They include: Brisbane Airport, Wynnum North, Murarrie, Hemmant, Fisherman Island, Tingalpa Creek, Tinchi Tamba, Norman Park

Bottom line

In conclusion, there is no denying the fact that this project could not have come at a better time for Brisbane homeowners.